1. How Does PS3Magic Work?
A : Our reference is a complete solution, it comes with a guide plus Softwares in order to make the process a cake walk. All you have to do is download PS3Magic and follow the simple step by step instructions.
All secured download links are provided in a pdf document so that you can just read through the guide and have your PS3 ready in no time just by clicking on the links provided within. The full process takes about 45 minutes to 2 Hours depending on your internet download speed.
2. Why do I need PS3 Magic?
A : PS3Magic is a revolutionary software guide which helps you install Linux and Windows easily without the usual lengthy complicated installation procedures.
3. Payment and Delivery?
A : PS3Magic is a downloadable product you will get access to the software, guide and the bonus pack instantly after successful payment. You can pay by Credit card or by your PayPal account. We use PayPal as our payment processor as they have a reputable buyer protection policy and secure SSL server.
4. Will PS3Magic void my original warranty?
A : This is the main purpose of using PS3Magic as your Linux Installer as this is the only method by which your warranty remains intact.
5. Can I use PS3Magic to play downloaded games, videos and music from the internet?
A : Yes, of course! This is the whole purpose of installing the Linux Operating System on your PS3.
6. Can Linux be removed later?
A : Yes, Linux can easily and safely be removed from your console. You can uninstall everything that you would be installing from our guides to restore your PS3 back to its original state.
7. Will PS3Magic hamper my usual PS3 gaming experience?
A : No, you will still be able to use your PS3 as usual along with the added advantages of having an OS to use various other features.
8. Is PS3Magic easy to use?
A : PS3Magic is definitely the easiest solution available to you. It makes the entire process an One-Click process and gets your desired OS installed in a breeze.
The guide is written in easy to follow English, if for any reason you can't understand our support is always there to help you.
9. Can I update my PS3 with PS3Magic installed?
A : Yes you can, Sony updates will not affect PS3Magic.
10. How many PS3s can I use PS3Magic on?
A : Unlimited. There is no restriction, you can use Ps3Magic on unlimited consoles, infact once you have all the minimum requirements in handy it will be much faster on other consoles.
11. Do you guarantee that PS3Magic will work on my PS3?
A : Yes absolutely. We are so confident that you will be satisfied with PS3Magic that we are offering a 60 Day No Questions asked 100% Moneyback Guarantee. That means, if by any chance you are not completely happy with your purchase simply email us and we would happily reverse your payment.
12. What if my PS3 is located in Europe or Japan?
A : PS3Magic will work for any PS3 through out the world. There are no Limitations to geographic production.
13. What if my PS3 is imported or relocated from another country?
A : PS3Magic can be installed in any relocated or Imported PS3 console irrespective of the country manufactured or being played in.
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